
However, the authors Goliath themselves at first as if specially lead us by the nose. The game begins with the fact that the plane in which the protagonist is flying, slender young …


  Together cheerfully about that new game Frozenbyte created in a terrible hurry, spoke not just the developers themselves. Therefore, since the announcement before the final version took less than six months. …


Three hundred years later, it begins with the fact that two of our heroes, warrior and cleric, out of the portal, which went once to something there to save, …

Homefront: The Revolution

In Deep Silver works very brave people. How else to explain that the release of Homefront: The Revolution took place almost immediately after the release of DOOM ? The act is undoubtedly worthy. But we will not …

Kirby: Planet Robobot

«They were cyborgs. They filled the entire planet … “- this phrase Aleksandra Revvy could open a fresh story pink ball named Kirby. Because Kirby: Planet Robobot a magical planet Popstar attacked robots and began …

Fallout 4: Far Harbor

When advertising Fallout 4: of Far Harbor , Bethesda special emphasis on the fact that, say, this is the biggest addition in the company’s history. And it seems to me, a few wrong accents. The …

The Way

What good is time for the video game classics! On the one hand, publishers actively reissued his memorable creations, earning extra money, but it is still giving us the ability …

The Solus Project

today, as you know, a very popular game about survival and about space. And about survival in space, on some unknown planet or abandoned station. Therefore, for the next representative of …

Hearts of Iron IV

history moves only forward and one bed, which bends – it’s taken someone decisions or events that have changed the world. Fatalists would call such a change of course destiny …

SteamWorld Heist

What happens when you combine in one project Worms , XCOM , robots, neon signs and stylish hats? The answer is simple – SteamWorld Heist , one of the most exciting games of the year that …