Paradoxically, Silence somehow inexplicably manages to be nenapryagayusche screen and limited variety. For example, we have a pretty simple, typical of many point’n’click adventure game mechanics with reference to the …
Gameplay and mechanics in principle remained the same. Before starting you will immediately warn: in ‘Yesterday Origins’ to play better on the controller. So it is: the mouse control does …
Company WayForward series Shantae – something like a beloved child. The first part, despite the difficulties in the development and trouble finding a publisher, entered the Game Boy Color in …
A Normal Lost Phone is a game about exploring the intimacy of an unknown person whose phone was found by the player. The game takes the shape of a …
It would seem, as you can operate the RPG Maker? But the limits of imagination independent developers there is no end, and that’s on the line we have another pixel …
At the time, Zhyul Vern has awakened a real hysteria on the ocean, its mysteries and treasures resting on the bottom. After more than 100 years for those who dreams …
Everything in our world is interconnected and flows out from one another. All vital invented by the ancient Egyptians, the most popular book written hundreds of years ago, and all …
This binding to the development of the plot location (of course, important for him and the general scenario of the canvas) is both weak and strong point of the …
In its best moments Yooka-Laylee reminds me of why the three-dimensional platformers were some of my favorite games of the last two decades. I remember with a smile bright worlds, …
Accomplished people working in the studio Omega Force. Year after year, generation after generation, they produce almost identical at first glance fighters musou genre, which are alien to the experiments …