So happy, even more, so I’m amazed with Thimbleweed Park , the new graphic adventure work of the parents of the great Mania c Mansion that no !, have not gone crazy …
The excitement was with me and since then, I have waited impatiently for the release of Yooka-Layle , the great spiritual successor of the classic Banjo & Kazooie . Has it lived up to …
It is a species known for its bright colors, but also for possessing one of the most dangerous poisons. However, between loading screens we are clarified that ours is vegetarian, …
As a defender that the game could do much better in terms of narrative, the concept always fascinated me: dedicate so much effort to the story that the mechanics …
In video games, the witness was picked up by characters like Duke Nukem , a completely unreal hero profile and with as many cliches as could be include d in …
The main characters are two characters called Bismo and Plom , types that are practically indistinguishable in terms of their appearance and qualities, beyond their different tonality (orange and blue, respectively). One and the …
The new format that solved the problem of the increasingly abundant 3 and 1/4 discs allowed to create larger sprites, more complex animations, digital soundtrack and voices throughout the adventure. This is …
The desire and the ambition of EniGami to realize a competent Action RPG with very defined objectives are noticed . He knows to which audience he goes, a childish and youthful one that has grown …
A style where the important thing is not death, but the puzzle . Where there are no lives because the work is aware that it uses t he trial and error to solve …
A genre that depends so much on that “other way of doing things” and that put the narrative before the mechanics is easy to end up tripping over their …