All that illusion, the indescribable joy of being in a unique place, so to speak magical, is perfectly reflected in this management gamethat al lows you to build, with …
In any other context, define it as a “Commandos with ninjas and samurai” might sound derogatory, simplistic, but believe me, I say this with the greatest possible respect and …
Almost there are no limits. If you can see it, you can visit it. The game itself warns you about it. There is an official route, a pre-established route, but nobody forces …
Maybe the name of the title makes you imagine a concept of game very different from the one that this work really contributes to us, because of the fact …
Tyranids in narrow space cruisers !, but as epic and exciting as this struggle for survival sounds, however fascinating it is to embody a Space Marine and fight to death in …
Just a few days ago has appeared the new installment of the saga, entitled Shantae: Half Genie Hero , a title that had been following for a long time and, fortunately, …
You will not find any of that in Milkmaid and the Milky Way . Within the graphic adventures, it does not suppose any step forward or any turn of the screw to …
Rise & Shine uses this concept a lot in many of its traps. In the title of Super Awesome Hyper Dimensional Mega Team of action and puzzles , dying is only part of the advancement …
It is difficult to explain the satisfaction that one feels when carrying out the murder that he had to order without leaving clues, witnesses and, what is better, making …
An episode that allows us to taste it both by digital download for all those who took the original title that we just mentioned or, also, ac quired …