Forza Horizon 3

And no, it is not a “catch phrase” of video game journalist. Australia is the real protagonist here, above the car porn that unfolds on your machine. The synergy that occurs …


That is one of the reasons why David Lynch is such a devoted filmmaker, he is able to put a white horse in a room or a few dwarfs appearing under …

Cossacks 3

The nostalgia pulls a lot, but not even relying on it, Cossacks 3 gets what it wanted. The keys to success are there, because it is basica   lly a remakeof that strategy …

Event [0]

The first adventures, before the graphics, are the conversational calls, where the computer describes a situation to you and you wrote what to do next. I, however, had the opportunity …

PES 2017

The previous generation of video game consoles, the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, was to forget in the Japan football brand, but we have been a few years in …


In this title we must remain in the shadows (literally) as long as possible. And we have to do it for two main reasons. On the one hand, to avoid being detected by …


Now comes Ride 2 , another example of the enthusiasm of Milestone for this exciting world of speed, a simulator that in its first appearance fa   iled to reach the …

Shadow Warrior 2

The original already included certain elements of the role adventures that in this sequel have been greatly enhanced. It is   not only that you have many more personalization options at your disposal to configure …


But better with, because connecting the glasses and entering this world of psychedelia and landscapes as incredibly suggestive and strange as those offered along its levels, is pure magic. It …