“Go GO Power Rangers!” The narrative premises are the historical ones of the original TV series and, during the game, we will go through the same adventures well or …
The videogame, finally, as a form of art Accepted by magnificent and mastodontic statues of the millennium, even before going into the details of the video game itself, the …
Yggdrasil Unlike the two Etrian Odyssey Untold released in recent years on the consoles of the 3DS family, where the development team had added a story mode that lowered (slightly) the …
The title shows some depth in the game modes as well as in the available licenses, as most teams have roster and actual divisions. It is therefore possible to drive …
The nostalgia of Infinity When Ueda conceived the ICO concept in 1997, his intent was to create a videogame that diversified from the mass of action games of the …
Conservation of the species Choosing the terms used during the introductory hat of this piece was not a random one: “retrieve”, “reproof” and “reduction” are three of the terms …
At the end of Mar In Diluvion , the world as we know it is nothing but a faded memory, a victim of continual wars among men, punished for their greed …
To get lost When there is Nintendo half, though only transversely, one must always make a point: Alwa is not the protagonist of the adventure, but it is the …
Better than many others Cosmic is a browser game and how it should be treated as one of those cool pastimes that do not take away more than a dozen …
The game develops into five extemporaneous levels, playable in any order, along with four more stages dedicated to assault mode, where you will have to resist as much as …