No Man’s Sky

However, and at the same time, there were many doubts among some user profiles about whether the title would live up to expectations, pointing many to the limitations of …

Grow Up

Grow Home was a direct title. Learn the controls, make the star plant grow. Collect crystals and skills to get around in the highest areas. Do not fall an   d get …


We have greatly enjoyed the trip he proposes, because history , without being disruptive, is followed with interest. Its action   takes place in the present, but the events it refers to …


Obduction is not for everyone. Just as their predecessors were not. A great criticism that I could read on Steam is: ” I do not know where I am, I have no …

Seasons after Fall

But Seasons After Fall is, fortunately, more than just a facade. After its beautiful natural landscapes drawn by hand we find a good adventure of puzzles and platforms starring a fox capable of changing at will …


But leaving all this aside and having invested hours in the universe offered by this new production of Comcept(team led by Keiji Inafune ) and Armature (studio formed by several former members of Retro Studios ), …


That a game present, first, the Difficult Mode as the only alternative already clearly denotes what its responsible people are looking for.    Action of the old school ; an extreme challenge that remembers …

NBA 2K17

Fortunately for all of us who love basketball, this series is one of the best we can find today in the category of sports games. And it is thanks to …