A desolate beach. A set of architectural structures of inexplicable origin. A mysterious figure dressed in a scarlet tunic. And you, under the shaded skin of a small child, feel the Mediterranean …


When we get into the world of the Indies we find a great variety of genres: 2D / 3D platforms, FPS, simulators of walks, survival games, etc. But   it …


BONES IN ICE The creators of this unique game are the British studio Mojo Bones , a developer born in 2011 and who has specialized especially in games of casual and …


Those responsible for developing this highly anticipated project have been  IIIFonic  in collaboration with  Gun Media entertainment. They started a kickstart fund to raise funds and obtained a total of $ 823,704 from …

Renowned Explorers

Pirate life best life Ron, boats and swords; vast world, enemies to baskets and exploration without brake. Renowned Explorers brings all these attributes together and takes   them to their terrain …

PES 2018

PES 2018, Analysis in progress September begins and with him, the football season on a virtual level. It is already usual that Konami is the first to give the starting signal with …