Analysis of Tales of Berseria The Saga Tales of is part of the cast of classic franchises that one can resort to if you want to enjoy classics of …
A magical story about a world sunk in the ocean, punished by the gods. Our role: to redeem the human species from its sins by proving worthy of a second chance, on …
The greased machinery of nostalgia selling attacks again. For a long time we did not know much about the Double Dragon franchise, starting point of a genre in low hours that needs a saving …
One of the biggest problems of trying to evoke nostalgia through a new creation is the contradiction that implies: we can have special attachment for a game, a console …
Phoning Home is an authentic work of author. After its development, we find the effort and passion of Marko Diekmann, veteran German programmer. In his curriculum, he highlights the participation in …
That time that separates Halo Wars 2 from its first delivery is nothing compared to the twenty-eight that have passed in the game world itself. Almost three decades in which …
Resident Evil 7 has received two downloadable content packages so far. The last of them, Unpublished Recordings Vol. 2, breaks with what many would expect in what downloadable content of …
For Honor Analysis Making yourself feel like a warrior inside a medieval battlefield is the reason to be For Honor. Experience the oppression, cruelty, brutality and tension that the …
Almost 4 years separate us from what was – until this Friday – the most successful crowdfunding campaign for an RPG, raising more than 4 million dollars. A lot has …
Analysis of Night in the Woods Although little by little this medium is changing and evolving, we continue with an overwhelming dominance of the playable proposals that revolve around …