Welcome back The Syberia saga is known for marking an entire generation, being considered its first two installments among the jewel in the crown of the graphic adventures . Benoît H. Sokaland Microïds brought us the first …


During the 80s and 90s the video game world, for many of us, was already a very important part of our lives. The birth of the first journals dedicated to …


To understand One Dog Story you have to go back a few years ago. Not that they were days of wine and roses, but there was a more optimistic environment regarding the …


The absolute darkness was the electricity at home and the light of a candle created a penumbra that generated terrifying shadows. The porcelain doll in the friend’s house that looked …

Day of Infamy

When we talk about realistic-cut shooters it is difficult to collect a large number of them: the saturation of arcade shooters eclipse this genre, and in the end many …


A long trip The saga The Longest Journey – Dreamfall has a long journey and importance in the world of video games and graphic adventures . The idea came from the privileged mind of Ragnar …

Immortal Redneck

Old-style action … The lightness with which our character moves will quickly infect the desire for action, and its clear and carefree appearance does nothing but benefit that first …


It is said that one of the endemic evils of the modern game is the lack of difficulty. Large productions tend to facilitate the gaming experience through the use of all …


The work season begins and it’s time to go back to our scrap collector position. But this time it will not be the same as always: our compan   y …