If the formula to slavishly reproduce the events of the manga on the screen worked beautifully with the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm series , Dragon Ball had for years been that …
Even if only by quoting Steam, it is really coming out of everything, with a very open eye on the flourishing market of the youtuber, an ideal vehicle to …
We have some little information about it (ops!), But it’s too early to fantasize about exactly what this new trilogy will look like, and if it will keep intact …
After last year’s unmissable appointment, the world’s most famous series of videogames returns to PCs and consoles with the promise of improving on the past while still remaining in …
Iron marines review Known to the general public for the tower defense trilogy Kingdom Rush , the Uruguayan development team Ironhide decided with its latest title to change the register … …
Porsche pack review Bearing in mind that Porsche, officially, in a simulator proper does not appear for twelve years, the agreement with Kunos Simulations could not be accepted with …
Hitman Hokkaido review Talking to them, they seemed undoubtedly pleased to have closed the circle, but they did not reveal too much sales data. Certainly we can tell you that …
Football manager 2017 review If Juventus has dominated the Italian Serie A in recent years, winning it five times in a row, in the portion of the videogame world …
Titanfall 2 review Third uncomfortable in a confrontation that for years has opposed the franchises of Call of Duty and Battlefield, after the debut multiplayer-only intellectual property of the former …
Certain things change, Just Dance no and Ubisoft proves it proposing a new version with an updated playlist and all the elements that have contributed to the success of …