Walking in time

If the formula to slavishly reproduce the events of the manga on the screen worked beautifully with the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm series , Dragon Ball had for years been that …

Country life

After last year’s unmissable appointment, the world’s most famous series of videogames returns to PCs and consoles with the promise of improving on the past while still remaining in …


 Porsche pack review Bearing in mind that Porsche, officially, in a simulator proper does not appear for twelve years, the agreement with Kunos Simulations could not be accepted with …


 Hitman Hokkaido review Talking to them, they seemed undoubtedly pleased to have closed the circle, but they did not reveal too much sales data. Certainly we can tell you that …

My friend Titan

 Titanfall 2 review Third uncomfortable in a confrontation that for years has opposed the franchises of Call of Duty and Battlefield, after the debut multiplayer-only intellectual property of the former …