Category: World Of Warcraft
Regardless of the game, we all love the chance to squish some Orcs. Whether it’s WarCraft, Elder Scrolls, Lord of the Rings, or any other fantasy game, there is …
Brewfest is a time of celebration all around Azeroth and beyond, where Horde and Alliance come together (kind of) and drink their character’s stupid. There is plenty of free …
We play video games for many reasons, sometimes to blow off some steam after a long day of work or just to relax and unwind. For many, this is …
Welcome back of the Evolution of PvP. I was told last week that I failed to mention some details in Part 1, mainly about the top arena comps and what …
Preserving gaming history is important. We’ve seen that demonstrated several times this generation. What stands out is Capcom’s Legacy Collections, the unprecedented success of Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, and the …
When World of Warcraft launched I was captivated by the game. Taking part in the beta test and then into launch was a very exciting time. I invested many months of …
Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles is hard to categorize. It meanders with a pleasant, lazy pace through half a dozen genres and homages without ever feeling completely settled on …
United States Securities and Exchange Commission initiated an investigation against the publisher Activision Blizzard… In particular, the head of the company will be summoned to the federal department. Bobby …
When it comes to real-time strategy, a few well-known hits like the Total War series, StarCraft, Warcraft and, of course, Command & Conquer immediately come to mind. However, there …
In 2017, the famous Youtube-channel Noclip released a series of documentaries dedicated to the history of MMORPG Final fantasy xiv… In a series of three videos, the story of …