Category: Popular Games
On the other hand are the Black Ops to have kept up the name of the series and this new DLC is a fitting tribute to one of the …
In recent years the genre of 4x (explore, expand, exploit and exterminate) has seen the release of many exponents of undeniable value. Being a kind of niche, therefore not obsessed …
THE DEVIL OF ECHO BLUFF Perception is based on a particularity that, combined with the background of its developers, has allowed the adventure The Deep End Games to hit …
How to make many different game philosophies live together? In fact at Motion Twins, a cooperative of developers with already active dozens of productions, most of which for mobile or …
During the era of colonialism, adventure novels with a strong anthropocentric connotation were extremely popular. Faced with different plots, the structure of these stories was always very similar: a (super) …
Steel Division: Normandy 44 is a strategic real-time set during World War II, a scenario that after a few years of thin is returning to the center of the …
Meanwhile the developer ZeniMax Online – we remind you that Bethesda is only the publisher – has employed some stratagems to save his MMORPG set in the universe of …
Imagine an immense battlefield on which two armies are about to face: on the one hand, thousands of Santa Claus, on the other side of the skeletons armed with …
THE PERFECT STORM How did Fortnite’s post-apocalyptic scenario become such? All the fault of a mysterious perturbation, simply called “the storm”, which suddenly fell in all parts of the world, …
Mini golf is undoubtedly one of those activities that transforms man into a beast. Behind the calm of the putt, the creativity of some holes and the atmosphere designed for …