Category: Game Platforms
However, until now we have never been clean-up workers of the crime scene, and this gap is the basis of the brilliant idea of iFun4all, who decided to devote …
Pyre, however, remained hidden in the shadows practically until the launch and the information leaked in recent months had not managed to dispel that aura of mystery that hovered …
Eshe, who is captured by a dark force that catapults her into an underworld. We know nothing about her, just as we ignore the history of the place in which …
Let’s talk about a remaster, therefore, that on the PlayStation 4 Pro runs at 4K real and sixty frames per second, thus emphasizing the quality of a design that …
It will be the wave of almost forced goodism that we are going through in recent years, or the simple desire to create products appreciable by any generation without …
WELCOME BACK TO THE SNOW Even if you put Steep aside for the whole summer, maybe even with something more appropriate to the Saharan temperatures this year, you have …
The story of “Pistolero Joe”, as he is nicknamed the character by his fans, is told through static cutscene in comic style, narrated in Italian as the rest of the …
Absolver is a unique game in more than one sense. Technically it is an online brawler, but the definition does not make good what are its true contents. More …
In reality, we are talking about a “modular” product, as it is possible to purchase all the episodes of the package individually or to limit yourself to the first …
Few would have bet and instead the community, demonstrating attachment and support even when things were not really great, has convinced Ubisoft to believe and insist on the project. The …