Category: Gameplay Videos


Sid Meier’s Starships is a new spin-off of the most famous saga of Firaxis , although it is much more related to the universe of Civilization: Beyond Earth that with the usual development of the series. However, …


Morphite is, first of all, deeply pleasant. We embody Mirah, a daring interplanetary treasure hunter completing her training. Accompanied by a species Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow comes Today of cybernetic cat named Kitcat …

Mad Max

“… But, above all, I remember the Road Warrior. The man we called Max “   Who was going to tell us a few years ago that an adored, praised and …


CL AY MOTION Pingu, Wallace & Gromit, or Chicken Run are just some examples of what the technique called Claymotion, the animation using environments and / or characters made entirely of clay …

The Age of Decadence

More than any genre, the RPG exudes passion, sometimes to insane levels. Discussing role-playing games is not the same as discussing other games, their depth and history have created different …


Unravel is one of those games that, from the first moment they are presented, attract attention. The world of indies and downloadable games has not stopped growing for years and one …