Author: Kane Dane
The idea of the game is not new – climb higher but then slip quickly, without getting off the couch, could be more from the NES era and the …
Like any detective story, where you have to reconstruct the events of the past, to get to the truth, Maize begins with porridge in the head. Why hero woke up in …
This game is made openly on the patterns Commandos – and she’s not shy about it. Is that the action moved to the feudal Japan of the Edo period, when in 1615, …
Dozens of hours of personal cultivation bulwark of civilization forced kind to each street. Any spontaneous painful restructuring. The city covers an enormous expanse, its services work folding mechanism, the …
The energy of the beats Lily key, scattering in different directions around them. What to say if her own father Aidan morning afraid to get out of bed and wake …
What is Space Hulk? This tabletop strategy game from Games Workshop in the setting of Warhammer 40,000, devoted to battles inside the derelict spaceships, where one player controls the squad Space Marines, …
It turned out that only the three of them can resist the evil storyteller, who set out to invent a new, and, moreover, very unkind, fairy tale, stir the …
Though I must admit that the game world itself – perfect. He remembered. He has little to like. Floating in the air the island and aerolodki. Gravity storms and alien creatures. Fictional language …
As with most strategies to these universes, of Warhammer 40,000: Reach the Sanctus is dedicated to a tactical battle between the troops. In this case, we clashed Greenskin hordes who have already …
Subsequently series Patrician improved conceptually in the second part (in 2000), then polished in the third graph (m-2003). Fourth generation drove a “casual” audience and made in full 3D after another seven …