Author: Kane Dane
Ranger Taleon lives with his family at the Black Gate, guarding a decent part of Middle-earth from the eternally seething cauldron of hatred – Mordor. Talion only duty – …
Himself director Initially, the user creates the character. The woman, a man, a man with a beard, a man in a suit – the choice affects only the appearance, and …
Maps, monsters, the city game is a card strategy with very simple rules. The user in the hand has three cards, each of which is responsible for causing damage to …
Assembly volley in the worst traditions of plot complication is trying to be as realistic as possible. Some stock market crash in Shanghai, the economic crisis in the United States, …
One, just one Zombie Vikings – it is unicellular cooperative arcade game where you and three friends need to move from left to right and score everything that moves on …
Immortals. War of brains Satellite Reign fit even to call not the ideological heir, and modern remake of Syndicate and Syndicate Wars . Basic principles of mechanics of the game have not changed. There is a strategic …
Good morning does not happen in point’n’click adventure plot, as a rule, is in the first place, and something new in terms of gameplay of the genre for a …
Well me burst? As of LittleBigPlanet , tearaway unfolded his best shows how it is bright and fabulous; if you’re lucky and you will not feel like an idiot, you’ll be able to really …
In spring 2014. Kaliningrad studio Tortuga Team has released a nice strategy Braveland , which is a colorful lightweight version of King’s Bounty . She promised two more games in the same vein. Word of his …
“Bagel” without filling point is not that the developers have suddenly gone mad and destroyed everything beautiful in its creation. In the final version BEDLAM has changed almost nothing – but this …