Author: Kane Dane
The word “clone” is now for some reason, almost no use in relation to, sorry, the clones. As if it were something bad. Probably, the public fed up with them at …
Yelp drank merges with cries of beasts and cries of men in a monolithic howl. This workout. The second wave of beasts rolled out stronger, it becomes hard: they shoot straight, …
And it does not matter, because for Grand Kingdom endless battles – just the scenery against which we as abstract, but presumably a talented commander of mercenaries engaged in …
Launching a new part of the famous series of the Swedes from DICE, I eagerly rubbed his hands in anticipation of the promised in an interview shown in the …
I watched commercials Mafia III in full confidence that the game should turn out good.Perhaps not the most beautiful and not very original, but you just look at these …
I liked the conquistadors? The Vikings will be even better. Expeditions: Conquistador, turn-based RPG in 2013 with an abundance of decisions and their consequences, had a glorious game. Its authors – …
Feminism, fascism, fatalism Over the past few years, I’m sure many of you have noticed, among the developers, especially independent, became a popular genre, so to speak, “interactive games”. They, …
Fans of Final Fantasy, it would seem, can not complain about the lack of games. After a month out full numbering part online FF XIV steadily gaining popularity and happy …
King of Fighters XIV – unforgivable complex game, the complexity of which can be steep wall, through which you need to somehow get over to get their portion of …
Nowadays, it is easy to pass for old school. Even pays tribute to New Order all modern trends once called retro-shooter, not to mention the Shadow Warrior or restarted, especially …