Portal Knights

From portal portals
As explained during the previous meeting with developers in January, Portal Knightswants to take the best elements of the open world / sandbox games and put them in a new adventure with glowing colors and youthful looks. Although the main inspiration is obviously derived from Minecraft, it is clear that the development has led to results much more similar to what was done with Dragon Quest Builders.
Unlike the Enix title, in this case we will have a more simplified RPG structure, but made of classes, levels, and skill points. The differences continue as the game 505 declines any narrative guts, leaving the player to discover the world, his wonders and adversity. Every island explored is generated procedurally, so you have to brace yourself to go fight and dig to find the materials you need to fix the portal to the next island.
Obviously on every island there are dungeons to go to find the best materials, but only in some we will face huge gigantic bosses within well-defined arenas. These opponents attack by following specific patterns, so the player must be able to understand the routines and then push their attacks.
Compared to the previous test, we had the opportunity to test the cooperative mode on consoles, which gives the possibility for four online players to move island to island, or two friends on the couch to play in splitscreen. In this case, the difficulty of fighting matches depending on how many people are present in the game, but in general no frustration peaks can ever be reached.
Combat system is a mixture between Zelda and the Souls, where you move around your opponent by keeping it under target and you expect to attack, to avoid and attack on our own. Although the entire structure is thought to be the most readable even by newcomers in the gaming world, one must always keep a close eye on the health indicator to use the healing potions at the most opportune moments. to avoid and attack on our own.
Although the entire structure is thought to be the most readable even by newcomers in the gaming world, one must always keep a close eye on the health indicator to use the healing potions at the most opportune moments. to avoid and attack on our own. Although the entire structure is thought to be the most readable even by newcomers in the gaming world, one must always keep a close eye on the health indicator to use the healing potions at the most opportune moments.
Portal Knights
Better accompanying you badly alone
To emphasize the nature of the family and the smallest, it is also important to point out that online gambling is only possible with other people already in their friends list, eliminating the potential risk of incontrovertible meetings through matchmaking.
On the other hand, for those who are adult and vaccinated against free online gambling insults, it becomes more complicated to easily find gamblers. More generally the coop system works discreetly, with a drop-in / drop-out that helps a lot in allowing the action to run without too many menus to stop enjoying it.
 Unfortunately, there are still technical limits like the constraint that forces all four players to move united from one island to another, but there is always hope for any improvements in future updates.