Author: Kane Dane


Pilots for craft Among the modes for the single player, the one that stands out for the amount of content is obviously the career mode. The focus will be on …


Piacere Zorro (cit.) EVERSPACE was one of those classic games that, after a Kickstarter campaign started in 2015 and the many appreciations gained during the Early Access phase, he suspected …


Cross it, crack it, twitch, update it In 2011, Sergey Ulasen (Kaspersky Lab computer) discovered STUXNET, a malicious worm spread through Microsoft Windows that hit Siemens’s industrial control systems. …


From the collaboration between Ubisoft Montreal and SpectreVision, the studio boasting among its founders Elijah Wood, comes a first-person graphic adventure that promises to be the ultimate thriller experience …

Nex Machina

Everything is simple, everything is perfect The story of Nex Machina, that of a future dystopian cyberpunk in the ’80s style, where the machines have now kneeling the few human …


Stories of vendetta between farms overgrowth It is not Wolfire’s first work, but follows the tracks of Lugaru, a title released in 2005 and which also put duels and fights …