Author: Kane Dane


The second thing that surprises is that it also says something about Zelda, about metroidvanias and that with it Runic Games, creators of the outstanding Torchlight saga , have managed to distance …

A Hat in Time

Gears for Breakfast video game is lacking in the grace with which Rare and Nintendo itself endowed their games in the nineties. It’s too simple, too typical … until it ceases to …


Piranha Bytes , authors of Gothic or Risen , are one of the few studies that understand well the transcendence of these words and know how to reflect in all their works. THE …

WWE 2K18

Despite its extensive content and its indisputable virtues, WWE 2K17 was a disappointing installment in the history of the wrestling simulator. WWE 2K18 is different: more polished, better updated and …

Spelunker Party!

Precisely the previous title of this saga, Spelunker World , serves as the basis to give life to Spelunker Party! , a title that despite its name has nothing to do with family …

Just Dance 2018

One of the aspects that attracts the most attention are the choreographies. They are nice, colorful and know how to adapt to each musical theme. This delivery returns to take care …