Author: Kane Dane


Blackwood Crossing is the first title of the independent English studio PaperSeven , formed in 2011 by former members of Black Rock Studio. The game takes months attracting attention and raising expectations where …


Despite having pedigree developers, and support in the form of a tremendously successful Kickstarter campaign, the Playtonic Games situation was not easy. Appealing to nostalgia is a complicated issue because it often involves …


Things sometimes are not what they seem: neither having superpowers makes you immortal, nor having a seemingly puzzle mechanic prevents you from being an arcade action game. Because beyond comparisons …

Dawn of War 3

DoW3 is a more classic game within the atypical of the saga; it has without any doubt the unmistakable aftertaste of the strategy of yesteryear with its generation of resources, its …


Outlast 2, Analysis Outlast 2 is one of the most anticipated games among horror lovers. The pleasant surprise that was the first installment of the Red Barrel title made what …