Author: Kane Dane
The saying goes that sometimes the trees do not let you see the forest. Maybe in the videogame sector it could be updated by the graphics let us see the …
Blackwood Crossing is the first title of the independent English studio PaperSeven , formed in 2011 by former members of Black Rock Studio. The game takes months attracting attention and raising expectations where …
We have been immersed in an intense and endless debate about graphic adventures for decades. Since that golden age of the genre in the early 90s, users became very …
Despite having pedigree developers, and support in the form of a tremendously successful Kickstarter campaign, the Playtonic Games situation was not easy. Appealing to nostalgia is a complicated issue because it often involves …
LEGO City Undercover Analysis for Nintendo Switch The LEGO franchise has made it clear over the last few years that it can convince not only children but also a more adult audience. It …
We appear in a seemingly futuristic world with very few indications about our task there. They indicate that we must infiltrate between the “Surveyors”, one of the robot factions …
Things sometimes are not what they seem: neither having superpowers makes you immortal, nor having a seemingly puzzle mechanic prevents you from being an arcade action game. Because beyond comparisons …
There was a time when the main burden that fell on our shoulders was to do the homework of the school. The passage of time has served to see …
DoW3 is a more classic game within the atypical of the saga; it has without any doubt the unmistakable aftertaste of the strategy of yesteryear with its generation of resources, its …
Outlast 2, Analysis Outlast 2 is one of the most anticipated games among horror lovers. The pleasant surprise that was the first installment of the Red Barrel title made what …