Tag: free pubg skins
Capcom, without explanation, reduced the cost of expanded publications Devil May Cry 5 and remake Resident evil 2 in the PS Store – now they are much cheaper than …
A few days ago Naughty dog published a vacancy for the graphic programmer The Last of Us: Part II, but most of all the description, where the required work …
Company AMD reiterated her previous words that we will see “Big navy»GPU already this year. Company CEO Lisa Su said the next-generation video card on architecture RNDA2 already under …
Capcom presented a development plan Monster Hunter World: Iceborne for the next six months, announcing that from April updates for the console and computer versions of the role-playing action …
Ubisoft sued the owners of the site SNG.ONE, who provided their subscribers with services for organizing DDoS attacks on the servers of a team online shooter Rainbow six siege. …
Portal IGN published the final trailer for the film “Color from other worlds“. This is a film adaptation of the eponymous short story by Howard F. Lovecraft, and Nicolas …
British Independent Studio Noisy valley, consisting of three people, released the first trailer of its debut project. Summerford – This is a role-playing adventure inspired by classic horror with …
Independent Indonesian Studio Toge Productions decided on the release date of his retro adventure Coffee talk. The game will be released on PS4, PC, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch …
Japanese role-playing action movie Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana unlucky from the very beginning: the release was postponed due to technical problems, but the developers could not cope with …
Another, thirteenth game of the famous series The legend of heroes getting ready to go out Steam. Trails of cold steel iii – direct continuation Trails of cold steel …