Before you read any further, let’s just agree: Advanced Warfare – a classic Hollywood thriller, in which Chechen terrorists coexist with mad leaders of North Korea, nuclear reactors fail …
Effect of Alpha Centauri at Beyond Earth is felt in almost every detail. Even history is similar: for thousands of years in pursuit of their selfish goals, people brought the …
The protagonist – a cleaner local corporations FizzCo, who holds in his hand the government and with the help advertisers and beautiful words turned the public opinion, as he …
The Binding of Isaac began as a project for a game jam (a competition in which the developers in the short term make original games from scratch). In one week, …
In the early hours of Unity gives the same enthusiasm which had the debut releases of Assassin’s Creed . You share screenshots, tell your friends about how everything is perfect, inciting them …
The fact that The Legend of Korra is released under the Nickelodeon license, is seen from the first minute – the game begins with the title sequence of the series. After you …
Adzhay Geyl, born in Kirata, but in early childhood exported to the United States, returns home to fulfill the last request for the mother – to dispel her ashes …
In Beyond Gotham writers went beyond the traditional history and pushed in one game two huge universes – Gotham’s classic characters and superheroes “Justice League.” The plot is not …
Over some time, Rogue even managed not to fall into the pre-set traps me. Largely thanks to the protagonist – Sheyu Patrick Cormac – folding and stories. Surprisingly, it is …
War of Mine the this – a game about the war, which would be worth to take place within the framework of extra-curricular activities on the history of high school …