he most recent to appear is Warriors All-Stars , a game that comes to PS4 (the edition I’ve been able to test) both physically and digitally as well as PC, although …
In the purest Monty Python style , the title presents a striking aesthetic and a sense of humor that reminds us a lot of what this group of humorists of British origin. The …
You run in the middle of the night aimlessly. You just want to escape, flee from a terrible prehistoric predator that never tires, that does not stop in its effort …
Yes, this work is neither the longest, nor the one that offers the best puzzles, nor the one that delights us with a greater number of vari ed …
There are combats everywhere, exciting duels 1 vs 1 and even battles against several simultaneous opponents, but the sensations are very different from those you usually experience in this class of …
n fact, the powers of Billie Lurk , that apprentice of Daud who helped us in Dishonored 2 , are practically exclusive of the murderer. The Forastero does not offer his brand, and with …
he Japanese publisher, with greater and less success, has also learned from some of the errors pointed out by the players in the premiere of the controversial Street Fighter …
It is impossible to cover everything that comes to offer a title as Project Cars 2 in this analysis. Not so much for the game modes, but for the thousands …
As if we lived in a parallel world where the march of the cRPG had only increased without rest, Larian has created a monster with a life of its own. It does …
Despite offering some mechanics that will be familiar to the veterans of the genre, there is a detail that completely changes the interaction. In this title we cease to be …