Kathy Rain

We continue to suspect when we find similar scenes (the visit to our grandmother) and we stop having doubts when we find the most compli   cated puzzle of …


The empire you thought was invincible collapses piece by piece, with astonishing rapidity, without even understanding how it happened   ; how is it possible that so many hours of …


Unfortunately it is also one of the few compliments we can devote to this stealth adventure that has great virtues, but almost does not let us enjoy them. In spite of the …


And if this is not the case, nothing happens either, that here there is more than enough quality to seduce even the new generations. Such is the charm of this …

Hard Reset Redux

You run, you shoot … and now you also dodge! Forward, sideways or even backwards. It does not matter in order to avoid the wild attacks of that horde of killer robots that …