World of Final Fantasy arrives on Steam: our review

Which is not necessarily bad, given that World of Final Fantasy was a mister game and, not having to rely on a brilliant technical framework, but still in step with the times, the transition from PlayStation 4 to PC proved to be decidedly painless. The game is almost identical to how we remembered it, except for some small details that made us frown.


For those who had lost our coverage last year, it is worth noting that World of Final Fantasy is an episode unlinked from the Final Fantasy series, also because Square Enix for the occasion has taken a new path: that of Pokémon clones. The protagonists of this story are two brothers who find themselves suddenly involved in a great adventure: having lost their memories,


Reyn and Lann will have to capture the “mirages” scattered around the world of Grymoire, creatures drawn directly from the Final Fantasy universe as the chocobo or malboro that our can use in combat.The various mirages have different dimensions that tactically affect the composition of the group during the clashes. The larger mirages, in fact, can carry Reyn, Lann and the smaller creatures above their heads.


The two brothers can also change shape and turn from “jiganti” into “lilichini”, shrunken and pucciose versions that can ride the biggest mirages. Each “pile” then adds the statistics and skills of the mirages that constitute it, including elemental resistances and other role-playing parameters. World of Final Fantasy is a very simple game only in appearance,


since it conceals a considerable depth that becomes evident especially towards the end of the game and in secret areas to be explored in search of every secret.

World of Final Fantasy arrives on Steam: our review

The player can choose whether to take turns in turn-based or real-time combat, using a variant of the Active Time Battle adopted in various Final Fantasy and changing the interface at any time, perhaps preferring a more classic to the default stylized.


Every time you touch one of our batteries, we can choose what skills to use, whether to treat our heroes or to imprison opponents, capturing them and adding them to our Mirage, a sort of encyclopedia that also allows you to enhance the mirages, unlocking their skill with the points earned in battle and even evolving them into larger and more threatening creatures.


Although it is important to face the most difficult enemies with a bit of strategy, it is important to specify that the history and dialogues of World of Final Fantasy rarely take themselves seriously, being full of jokes and more or less successful quotes: in this sense, the spin -off Square Enix is ​​above all a beautiful love letter for the true fans of the series, but also a sort of introductory JRPG for those who have never tried in the genre.


In the thirty hours necessary to complete the adventure you will find all the clichés of the genre, from forces of evil who want to destroy the world to mysterious masked individuals, passing through painful memories, dramatic moments and above all great leaps of humor and gags. profusion.

World of Final Fantasy arrives on Steam: our review


As we said at the beginning, the PC version of World of Final Fantasy does not differ in particular from the PlayStation 4, both for good and for bad: the game only runs at 30 frames per second and Square Enix has not even deigned to implement a menu that allows you to customize the appearance of the title, which, however, and curiously, part in window mode.


To change some visual parameters such as the general resolution, the resolution of the shadows or the value of the post-processing you have to recall a specific window from the Steam interface and then set these few, few options at will.


It is very little and the game, as nice to see thanks to the excellent artistic direction, suffers a bit ‘of this lack of possibilities, especially if we calculate that a year has passed from the original release: fortunately, the experience has been fully re-proposed under every other point of view and in the hours we have spent with this conversion we have not noticed any noteworthy bugs or technical problems.