He came to win more than 60 awards at E3 2013, his presentation. Best of the event, best game console, PC, best action title, best multiplayer … Plain and simple, devastated. The hype …
The total soccer simulator The new edition of Football Manager comes loaded with an infinite number of options , as usual, and some new features, not all of them equally positive. …
The moment has come. As every year, the Call of Duty saga presents its new release, with which it aims to beat its own financial records and stay the entire Christmas season …
In an industry accustomed to rapid technological evolution, where apparently everything is called to premature obsolescence, it is a real risk to recycle a formula of the past …
Pure Japanese terror The genre of ” survival horror ” has been offering games with different styles and mechanics from JRPG games like “Sweet Home” to action titles like Dishonored 2 …
Note: Dishonored 2 in its PC version does not seem to go well in a wide range of equipment. Apart from a widespread problem in the use of the mouse, which …
The origins of Tyranny are far older than one expects. The idea of a role-playing game set in a world where “Sauron has won and dominates Middle-earth” was around the …
Developed by OneorEight, an indie Japanese company or how this type of games are known in Japan ( Doujin ) Earth’s Dawn plunges us into the Warhammer 40000: Eternal Crusade …
The “bait” When I agreed to proceed with the analysis of Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade, I discussed it with a fellow of the foreign press, who proceeded to send …
Owlboy is not at all the most awaited game of the year, but it is certainly a title that has maintained some expectation after its eventful development. Not in vain, the owl …