Forza Horizon is the denomination of one of the great current driving sagas. His third delivery is gross, has nerve and uses an excellent formula to keep us sitting for hours. With …


The shadow of David Lynch continues to bathe with his narrative legacy. The author has influenced many artistic representations, evidently, such as movies or TV and of course video games were …


In the footsteps of F-Zero and Wipeout One of the best things that can be said about Redout is that appearances do not deceive: everything that could be thought …


The perserverancia is the secret to progress in the games of infiltration, and it seems that also to create them. Born from a student project materialized later in the indie amateur …


A galactic Universalis Europa? Not exactly, although Stellaris partly recalls the Paradox star game in certain playable mechanics, it is clear that the game also drinks from other games such …

Mafia III

The Heir of a Great Classic Days after its release, without copies of advance access to the press, much has been what has transpired about Mafia III . To all this we …

Battlefield 1

Battlefield 1 achieved something that few had done in recent years: focus the FPS genre on what they proposed ahead of other projects that commercially have long ago no rival …