Category: Popular Games
Good morning does not happen in point’n’click adventure plot, as a rule, is in the first place, and something new in terms of gameplay of the genre for a …
“Bagel” without filling point is not that the developers have suddenly gone mad and destroyed everything beautiful in its creation. In the final version BEDLAM has changed almost nothing – but this …
Tales from the Crypt The BloodLust Shadowhunter okay with the atmosphere. You wake up in a coffin in some gloomy dungeon, uterine hear his voice and see with horror – now you …
Consciousness, the brain, the body there in game design a very clever, but extremely powerful technique – add to the story a few scenes involving the main character, devoted …
Amazing stories while What developers certainly can not be denied, because it is in the supply of the plot of originality. After the murder of the Empress earth Ashan plunged …
Fenton Dzhons True, he Paddock, and the atmosphere of the game have changed a bit. First Lost Horizon somewhat reminiscent of the “Indiana Jones” in the classical quest format. Here, everything has been …
Transformation activation! In contrast to the last games of the transformers, where robots are either copied from cinematic or invented anew, Devastation gets older models of acid colors straight out of …
Who lives at the bottom of the sea With the release of DLC game has indeed changed, but familiar with the “vanilla” version is unlikely to get lost in …
Bro bro for – not your brother’s brother According to local mythology, Broforce – a team of professionals to address the problems, which works for the US government. Squad gathered the best …
Fifth went to … Sword for Coast The Legends is built according to the rules of modern fifth edition of D & D. That is a classic CRPG’s party, where the …