Category: Popular Games
Assetto Corsa review A couple of months after the launch of the first Porsche Pack and one from the second, whose output collimated with a spectacular event at the Vallelunga racetrack, Kunos Simulazioni …
From Game of Thrones to Minecraft, passing through Borderlands and Batman. All heavy licenses that show how much software house that for many is synonymous with graphic adventures in episodes …
shadows of kurgansk review The game offers three modes: History, consisting of the tutorial and the two maps of the single player campaign; Survival, in which you simply need to …
Shantae half genie hero review One night the girl is awakened by a noise and follows its origin, finding herself talking with a light that transmits a message …
Binding of isaac afterbirth plus is the second expansion of The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, which comes out just over a year after the premiere, Afterbirth, and more than …
Detention game review It’s raining and it’s cold. The two are completely alone. We are in 1960 and the Republic of China, not to be confused with the People’s Republic …
sims 4 vampire review Since the release of The Sims 4 in September 2014, developers had been extremely clear about the constant support they would have given the …
Resident Evil 7 review An essence that we have been able to know little by little in the following months, beginning to appreciate it and to let ourselves …
This means that by downloading the free package you get now the whole story, including three chapters, with the addition of some advertising that can be removed with the …
Resident Evil 7 review Who should be anxious to return a bit ‘in the house of the Baker can indeed buy a few days Confidential Films Vol.1, provided …