Category: Popular Games
Sonic Mania – SEGA’s Redemption An often quoted philosophical maxim states that one should not multiply dieties beyond necessity. This is a helpful tool in philosophic discourse and in game development. …
It was a bittersweet ending for Uncharted fans when we discovered that Uncharted 4 would be the last time that we would have the chance to go adventuring with Nathan Drake. Thankfully, Naughty …
You might think that celebrities only act in or lend their voices to video games. However, there are some celebrities who are avid gamers just like you and me. …
One of the main ways the game industry continues to be fresh is through the creation of new IPs. Rather than making sequels to old games or taking a …
It’s a rare game that manages to effectively squander a cool concept with substandard gameplay. Sure, Mass Effect: Andromeda took the magical and romantic idea of exploring and colonising a whole …
The concept of being rewarded while playing a game is a fairly interesting one; after all, it’s not like people really need incentives to play games since, well, they’re …
The Final Fantasy series has always pushed the boundaries when it comes to graphics. One of the most impressive ways they have done this is with the monsters that the player …
It would be excessive to say that Friday the 13th: The Game had a smooth launch but against all odds it managed to cement itself a spot among the …
Sonic Mania was announced at Sonic’s 25th anniversary celebrations in 2016 as a traditional 2D side-scroller, developed by Christian Whitehead in conjunction with PagodaWest Games and Headcannon. Christian is …
As a fan of all things racing, Formula One is something I tend to keep a keen eye on, especially as the race calendar progresses throughout the year, and the Drivers’ Championship …