Category: Call Of Duty
A year ago, the launch of the general sales chart of England was expected, taking into account not only retail, but also digital releases. After a long delay, this …
Publishing house Activision and studio Infinity ward decided to support Australia, suffering from large-scale fires, by launching a charity event in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. According to company …
Youtuber Super louis 64 played a shooter Call of Duty: Modern Warfare on a pair of controllers in the form of reels that were released for franchise games Donkey …
Shareware mobile game Fate / grand order turned out to be the most talked about game project on Twitter in 2019. This is reported by the portal with …
Design Director at Treyarch Studio David Vanderhar told on his Twitter that he hates jetpacks, and, apparently, we are unlikely to see them in Call of duty 2023 year. …
EA announced a reshuffle within the company: founder and leader Respawn Vince zampella now topped and DICE LA – Swedish support studio Dice. At the same time, according to …
In the last week of 2019 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare the third time in a row topped the English retail chart. In addition, they retained their positions in …
Catholic Christmas Studio Cloud imperium games made a small gift for players in Star citizen – the so-called visual teaser of the storyline campaign of the game, Squadron 42, …
Activision announcedthat engagement of a multiplayer audience Call of Duty: Modern Warfare in the first 50 days after the release was a record for a franchise on the current …
I have nothing against the fact that there is not a single player in the game. follow us on facebook and like our page Besides the first Black Ops, …