Category: Games TOP
Tailing Generations World to the West immediately starts with the right foot, demonstrating that the development team has done homework: the fiction, however sublime ,will please those who appreciated Teslagrad , of which this …
I’ve been playing the PC since the late 80’s, but it was with the arrival of the first online games that something different took in me. Imagine two teenage brothers, …
What is Renowned Explorers ? Renowned Explorers is set in the nineteenth century, in the years of great discoveries, and at this time of particular scientific ferment the player dressed as a …
Now the wizards know that dreaming of falling from great distances might be a synonym of insecurity, shame or guilt, but this is not the subject we want to …
Arcades never die In this title we will have to make way for the 20 different levels of play (5 worlds with 4 levels each), trying to make the …
The ascending parable of Terror-Billy Everything starts right after the events of The New Order . Terror-Billy (alias BJ Blazkowicz) survived the explosion after Deathshead’s suicidal act, but his condition is not …
The new market Portal Knights is officially a “Minecraft Like” and the developers themselves wanted to introduce us into this new world by explaining to us what were the sources …
NEET Asahi, protagonist of Akiba’s Beat , is self-defined several times, especially during the early hours of play, a NEET, an English term that designates people who do not study, do …
The four kingdoms Alaloth: The Champions of the Four Kingdoms is in fact a very important prerequisite: to offer yourself as an ideal match point between the classic Moonstone titles …
Happy birthday, Street Fighter! This is a new version of the historic Street Fighter II, Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengersdoes not aim to change the cards on …