Author: Kane Dane


Once upon a time there was a great war against the monstrous Eastern hordes, and to power in devastated Poland came Chiron Corporation, which produced cybernetic implants. Chiron is …


It turned out that Lawbreakers buried right at the exit. Bought the game less than half of those players that played in the free beta, at the start of sales …

Sonic Mania

Game about Sonic often strike in that they do not absolutely need. Trying to make a serious dramatic story with a bunch of characters, inappropriate gameplay mechanics like the slasher …

Yakuza: Kiwami

Kiwami – is a remake of the very first part of the Yakuza, published another PS2. A remake of a fairly conventional: it markedly improved the graphics and combat system, …


Nowadays, it is easy to pass for old school. Even pays tribute to New Order all modern trends once called retro-shooter, not to mention the Shadow Warrior or restarted, especially …


I started for the health, and finished for the dead” – it seems that is the motto created many interactive TV shows of recent years. Back to the Future, The …


His first association that occurs before the start Beholder , immediately after reading its concept, is published three years ago, Papers, Please. To draw a parallel between the simulator and the bureaucrat …