Author: Kane Dane
Of course, you can remember the different crime policies such details Legal Crime , Heist , the Chicago 1930 and the recent (and closest in spirit) Gremlins, Inc. by Alexei Bokuleva , but still the atmosphere, entourage and some …
About tremendous opportunities the authors do not lie. Total “craft” of all things, the same total PvP, a huge world with a variety of areas and biomes, the free development …
The authors have also promised the system’s reputation – how the hero spoke with other people, to influence the attitude of local residents. “Pull someone out of jail, or rescued …
Of course we will. But first we tell you about what we do. A speech about the world Ivalice, the same one where the action Final Fantasy Tactics and Vagrant Story . Powerful Arcadia Empire …
The phrase about the boys and girls in the case of the Children of Zodiarcs be taken literally – is under our control are the three orphans from poor neighborhoods, led …
Describe the world Pyre familiar words are very difficult – this is exactly the case when it is better to see everything, hear and read. Especially reading. Let me remind you that …
Domestic developers and the plot of the game made our, domestic. Main character name is Basil, and his past is connected with the powerful organization under the somewhat unusual name …
Action Solstice Chronicles: MIA is set in the same universe – to colonize Mars, where people fled from the Earth to escape the epidemic zombie virus. We play for the Marines, the …
Indeed, the story Immortal Planet and betrays a cynical grin of a tune up with the times and God destiny. Well, or a person who has changed in Planescape: Torment . The action takes …
In fact Aerea – a classic “yaponoobraznaya» RPG, where boys and girls with long cholkami save the world. They are fighting, quests and look for the important artifacts that would help to …