Author: Kane Dane

Battlefield 1

Campaign Battlefield 1 starts very powerful. In terms of artistic value plot of the game is unique in the strength of its impact and the transfer of the central idea. What can we …


Start with the fact that the plot resembles a collection of quotations and stamps entitled “How to write a script for a half-hour of horror.” Where SOMA philosophically reflects on life and …

Titanfall 2

Series Battlefield and Titanfall native one – disregard for the single player campaign. However, both the shooter made progressive steps in this field. If BF1 we got an unconventional approach to “single” organization, Respawn Entertainment has given us …

Dead Age

Work like this – to survive! Dead Age has all the trappings of a typical survival-game. But here it is important not the presence or absence of originality, and how elaborated …


Actual platform: the PC , put a hand to many cult RPG, knows this firsthand. And that’s why almost all their games allow for a bad act. But even they, and their colleagues …

Yesterday Origins

The Origins main character again becomes John Yestedey – immortal expert on the occult, satanic rituals, and other matters. About eternal life surely the dream of many, but John held every revival …