Author: Kane Dane

Kill Strain

success MOBA-games is haunted by many developers, and Sony is also affected. Although representatives of this genre rarely visited console due to not very convenient operation, some attempts igrodelov yet undertaken. See complete …

Scrap Garden

This summer the developers of the former Soviet Union especially generous in the game about robots. In August comes the first episode of an ambitious post-apocalyptic adventure The Uncertain by Moscow …

Frozen State

Made Frozen State in Russia – and it is, let us say, immediately noticeable. The action takes place in the near future, when Earthlings to stop the alien infection that turns people …


Who lives at the bottom of the ocean? The girl, the true nature of which we disclose halfway to the junction, explores the ocean, occasionally jumping on the dolphin …


Wounded!  It is difficult to evaluate the electronic version of the game for decades are hardly the main lifesaver, rescues from boredom. Sea battle – turn-based strategy, the lottery for …

Champions of Anteria

Roots The Settlersvisible to the naked eye. This graphic style reminiscent of the previous games in the series of urban planning, and some gameplay elements inherent in the genre, and not …