Author: Kane Dane
We gamers are certainly unaware of how a title of worship is cloned at the exact moment in which it becomes a success. Think of so many “Simulator”, the clones …
Unexpected meetings It is not the first time that the two series intersect on the gaming terrain: Black Lotus, in fact, the protagonist of Accel World, was featured as …
For the Russian mother! I said Stukov is a very special support, more effective in the late game than at first, but really satisfying when he realized when to …
An ocean of discovery Of Oceanhorn , on these pages, we have talked to him on several occasions, and we have emphasized his merits and criticisms. On the other hand, it is …
At the bottom of the mar … or not? First of all it is important to anticipate that each game has its own rules. Applying to them can be simple …
Crash without frontiers The evidence that we chose to show you requires that competitors compete within an arena where there are numerous balloons hanging from above. Players will have …
We leave the resignation of reality and enter into the hope of the impossible, which through narrative always offers us a way of escape from the death of June, …
Mechanisms of a dying world An unnamed protagonist, and a few minutes from the beginning, even without an arm, a mysterious robot who, after saving him from a deadly …
There is another interesting point to point out: inside Who needs you? , the choices begin to seriously weigh. If what seemed fundamental, closing at Exodus 3, might not have been as …
The Pirates of Silicon Valley The first to use such a name does not recall the modern stereotype: hackers of the 1950s were in fact academics, mathematicians and engineers …