Star Wars Battlefront 2, tried the Multiplayer waiting for the Review

Multiplayer mode

Here we are at multiplayer , strong packet platter, as well as all-round Battlefront 2 , based on all the present modes. We start from the numbers: 10 terrestrial settings, 4 space, 5 modes, 12 classes and 16 heroes. They collect elements from all three of the Star Wars saga trilogys without particular preferences. Mos Esley, Kamino and the Starkiller base, to name three, live perfectly within the same seamless game.
In the economy of a game like Battlefront II , where you are simple soldiers, taking the parts of the rebellion or confederation of merchants in attack or defense is so natural that you do not even have to get used to it.
At this point, the above-mentioned
modes come into play, so different that they can offer a range of options for players who can not leave anyone unsatisfied, they are: Galactic Assault, Starfight Assault, , Heroes vs Villains, Strike (Attack) and Blast (Elimination).
The first is the most impressive, asymmetric 40-player mode that crosses the maps in their most exiting version and their games last longer. It is compri
sed of vehicles, land and airplanes, and is based on advancement for targets, similarly to Battlefield 1 operations. The dynamics of the games are immersive, mainly due to the different rhythm of the sections, some more fluid and more tight. In Kashyyyk, the largest of the settings, in the first phase, MTT’s advancement of the confederati
on of merchants must be prevented, which with an inescapable inertia advances inexorably and forces the Republic to retreat in the fiction of the game. Once you reach the fence you go to a game of conquest or defense of points of interest, much more inclined to clos
e combat, also because of the closure of environments. The same applies to Hoth with the AT-AT boot, while in other maps the schema may be different but not less varied. Obviously you feel a sense of unbalance of some parts in spite of others, but overall has always won the most aggressive team.
Starfighter Assaultit is the most unpublished and most popular fan mode. We are talking about intergalactic battles, developed by Criterion. Also asymmetrical, with an attacking faction and the other in defense, they are definitely those that approach the player to the imaginary of Star Wars. Being aboard an X-Wing or a Millenium Falcon, let alone the Tie-
Fighter is essential to make the product truly credible and engaging. The most delightful aspect, however, is that everything works properly, with a manual aiming mechanism that, beyond a first-time disruption, can be extremely effective. The targets are followed unstintingly and the more acrobatic maneuvers are more complicated, the more satisfying effect being amplified. We reluctantly have to point out some hitbox issues with the environment that often
signal mortal contact with asteroids and extensions of ships and buildings, although at the test of moviola these contacts never existed. Hopefully we can adjust these details, because it is fun to dive into the narrow meanders of space, so it becomes frustrating to stop the race for such a reason.
It goes on with Heroes Vs Villains, the 4vs4 packet-packet mode of the pack, which brings together the great heroes of the saga in a clash with the last target, bringing together the good and bad three generations: Rey, Luke, Lando Carlissian and Leia vs. Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Kylo Ren and Iden Version, could be a type collision. In turn, a team hero becomes a target and the goal is to make it out, whoever succeeds first makes a point, until they are changed; The way to win
is to get to 8. The mode is definitely a fun pastime, losing much of the assault tactic, and lends itself to training in using these characters, which would otherwise require several matches and Battle Points during regular matches, be used normally. The last two are
Strike (8vs8) and Blast (10vs10). Both are only on foot and develop on maps that are more limited and weighted than those of the galactic conquest. The first is a two-point controversy, where a team seeks the conquest (defined by a sabotage phase and a countdown period), while the other defends. The dura
tion of the matches is limited (40 is the respawn tickets limit before the victory of the defending team comes) and the limited dimension raises the balancing factor with tight and very competitive matches. The second is, instead, the most classic Team Death
match that really does not need presentations. Both are only on foot and develop on maps that are more limited and weighted than those of the galactic conquest. The first is a two-point controversy, where a team seeks the conquest (defined by a sabotage phase and a countdown period), while the other defends. The duration of the matches is limited (40 is the respawn tickets limit before the victory of the defe
nding team comes) and the limited dimension raises the balancing factor with tight and very competitive matches. The second is, instead, the most classic Team Deathmatch that really does not need presentations. Both are only on foot and develop on maps that are more limited and weighted than those of the galactic conquest. The first is a two-point controversy, where a team seeks the conquest (defined by a sabotage phase and a countdown
period), while the other defends. The duration of the matches is limited (40 is the respawn tickets limit before the victory of the defending team comes) and the limited dimension raises the balancing factor with tight and very comp
etitive matches. The second is, instead, the most classic Team Deathmatch that really does not need presentations. where a team seeks the conquest (defined by a sabotage phase and a countdown control period), while the other defends. The duration of the matches is limited (40 is the respawn tickets limit before the victory of the defending team comes) and the limited dimension raises the balancing factor with tight and very competitive matches.
The second is, instead, the most classic Team Deathmatch that really does not need presentations. where a team seeks the conquest (defined by a sabotage phase and a countdown control period), while the other defends. The duration of the matches
is limited (40 is the respawn tickets limit before the victory of the defending team comes) and the limited dimension raises the balancing factor with tight and very competitive matches. The second is, instead, the most classic Team Deathmatch that really does not need presentations.
Star Wars Battlefront 2, tried the Multiplayer waiting for the Review

The progression / personalization system and loot crates

If so far we have discussed the game modes that will accompany us during the adventure with Star Wars Battlefront II , we only referred to the classroom system behind it. They are 12, including infantry, elite units and vehicles, not counting the 16 heroes who are on the other side. The four infantry units (assault, heavy, officer, specialist) can b
e used immediately in the matches, just like the space counterparts (fighter, interceptor and bomber). By executing kill and completing the goals we are given the Battle Points, to spend to always and only access that game to the heroes and the uni
ty of elites available, also divided into common categories.
Each has three slot for boost cards or those skills. The former provide a general improvement as it could be a warmer overheating of weapons, while the latter are literally replacing the abilities associated with the R1 – L1 – R1 + L1 keys
with others, with its advantages and defects. Of each card, there are four versions of different rarity: common, uncommon, rare and epic. Obviously, they increase the scale of the boost they provide. The top three can be found in the lootbox, which can be purchased with in-game credits and crystals (buyable with real currency), while the epics can only be created with crafting parts that can be found in loot boxes or destroying double cards.
The point of the talk is that they cost the player or time, or money, but there is currently nothing that can not be obtained with a bit of patience. Among other things, earning cards means raising the level of a class so that you can unlock the second and third slots
mentioned above, at the beginning of the game being blocked. Once you reach a certain level, ours and your class, you can craft card enhancements and then get close to the creation of the epic version. In this way even with the money it is impossible to get certain rewards without having played a certain amount of time.