Author: Kane Dane


Blood, flames, magic, chain mail, powerful swords … the medieval fantasy has been a usual setting since the beginning of videogames.   Generation after generation each console has had …


There have been few MMORPGs that during the last few years have tried to gain a foothold in the market by imitating the formula of World of Warcraft, the …

Legend of Grimrock II

The Finnish independent studio Almost Human surprised everyone with its Legend of Grimrock when it appeared in 2012. The Dungeon Crawler genre had disappeared from the West some time ago, leaving …

A Bird Story

However, there was something in the first commercial title of Freebird Games that managed to excel with respect to projects born of the same engine, and it was an extraordinary sensibility …

Football Manager 2015

Year after year, season after season, Sports Interactive is eager to present a new version of its famous football management title. Football Manager has risen – for its own merits – in the …

Space Hulk: Ascension

Last year we received on PC a new proposal within the Warhammer 40,000 universe in the form of a turn-based strategy title with Space Hulk , an interesting and highly anticipated title by fans in charge of Full Control that tried to …


The most veteran probably enjoyed in the nineties the rise of the Micro Machines in the form of arcade driving titles as fun as crazy, being the V3 delivery one of the most popular for …