Author: Kane Dane
No more oriental dungeons to explore, but an organic action adventure able to tell a story even in the absence of long narrative sequences, characterized by highly animated characters as …
Little Nightmares is a story told in a silent way, where the flow of events is accompanied by the noises of the surrounding structure and the muffled atmosphere is …
At first glance it is difficult to understand why so successful, but playing a little ‘and deepening its gestation are clear what are its strengths compared to direct competitors: great …
However, until now we have never been clean-up workers of the crime scene, and this gap is the basis of the brilliant idea of iFun4all, who decided to devote …
Regalia Of Men and Monarchs tells the story of the young Kay (or whatever you want to call him), who in spite of himself finds himself a heir to …
Pyre, however, remained hidden in the shadows practically until the launch and the information leaked in recent months had not managed to dispel that aura of mystery that hovered …
THE PERFECT STORM How did Fortnite’s post-apocalyptic scenario become such? All the fault of a mysterious perturbation, simply called “the storm”, which suddenly fell in all parts of the world, …
Mini golf is undoubtedly one of those activities that transforms man into a beast. Behind the calm of the putt, the creativity of some holes and the atmosphere designed for …
Eshe, who is captured by a dark force that catapults her into an underworld. We know nothing about her, just as we ignore the history of the place in which …
After a few months of testing, however, Chris must have realized that things worked better without those huge beasts clogging the lines of shooting and from there he decided …