Mass Effect Asari Cosplay – Alien Sexuality

Model Vlad Tniwe Lutsak presented cosplay for the asari character – humanoid creatures from the Mass Effect series. Photos were published on the girl’s social networks.



Asari are only one gender. Outwardly, they look like women and speak of themselves in the feminine gender, but from the point of view of race, each individual does not consider himself a woman in the usual sense. Since they have no males, they can interbreed with any other creature of any gender – the child will always be an asari.

Earlier the release of the collection Mass Effect Legendary Edition… Russian speaking players brought down the rating title on Metacritic, as they didn’t like the voice acting.

Cosplay asari from Mass Effect. Model: Vlada Tniwe Lutsak. Source:
  • Cosplayer: @tniwe