By The Norwood Suite Launches Tales From Off-Peak City Vol. 1 – review

Independent developers and producer of Cosmo D, former cellist of the group Archie pelo, announced the release of his next game. Tales From Off-Peak City Vol. one conceived as the first part of a whole suite, the action of which takes place in the universe of games The norwood suite and Off-peak.

The strange cosmos Cosmo D fits into the fictitious intersection of July Avenue and Yam Street. Nevertheless, the open world of the game is full of secrets, unforgettable characters and secret locations.

The first volume, Caetano’s Slice, talks about Caetano Grosso, a former saxophonist and now pizza maker. Our hero comes to him as ancillary workers, but in reality the goal is different: to steal his legendary saxophone.

In the process, players will learn to make pizza, delve into inappropriate boxes, communicate with strange characters and get into no less strange places. And all this under the signature Cosmo D soundtrack – his musician will release separately.
Tales From Off-Peak City Vol. 1 will be released on PC May 15.

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