Tag: Witcher
Site user Nexus mods named Alex Vuchkovich released a modification Redux for The witcher 3. According to him, she makes enough serious changes to the game so that the …
After the premiere of the first season “The witcher»Many viewers and the media recalled that in the spring of 2018, Mark Hamill was called play Wesemir – the master …
On December 20, the first season of The Witcher by Netflix was released. Viewers have already created dozens of memes about Geralt of Rivia and other characters in the …
The premiere of The Witcher by Netflix was held in Warsaw. The stars of the series met on the red carpet, answered questions from reporters and presented the first …
The minuses turned out to be complicated names like kikimora, the presence of nudity, Geralt’s bad wig, annoying Buttercup, sloppy narrative structure and general dullness. However the show runner …
On December 16, the premiere of the series The Witcher took place at Netflix Online Cinema. Profile publications have already watched the new product, and the Metacritic aggregator calculated …
On December 20, the long-awaited premiere of The Witcher by Netflix took place. The film adaptation of the eponymous series of novels by the Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski has …
Cd projekt announcedthat she managed to agree with Andrzej Sapkowski and terminate the lawsuit which started author “The witcher“In October last year. The Pole was not paid royalties, since …
Critics greeted season oneThe witcher“Mixed reviews: some really liked the series, while others did the opposite. However Entertainment weekly managed distinguish oneself. The series was evaluated by a couple …
Channel Netflix continues the advertising campaign of its future series “The witcher“. And another part of it was an interview with the creator of the book saga, Polish writer …