
As a developer we have offered quality adventures such as The Shivah and the well-known Blackwell saga , but far from staying in the field work also jumped into production, supporting other titles such as Gemini Rue , Resonance , Technobabylon or Primordia.


All of them adventures that share certain features in common: taste for the classic 2D pixelated style, old-style puzzles and good stories in science fiction worlds and with a certain approach to the supernatural.


For Shardlight , Wadget Eye has decided to contribute its own version of the dystopian future, in a strange mixture between a wor


ld devastated by war and a new type of hierarchical structure in which a group called the Aristocrats have taken control of the government. We play the role of Amy , a simple mechanic who tries to survive in the world, but who will be involved in this cla


ss struggle between the Aristocrats and the rebellion from the beginning of the adventure, while doing a job with which to get a ticket of lottery.


The story of Shardlight is interesting enough to follow it to the end, getting, if not catch, yes remain valid at all times thanks to its characters. Both the good ones and those who want to fight against the established control, as the own Aristocrats, who unif


ormed as own soldiers of the years of the French Revolution have to their maximum exponent in the figure of the mysterious Tiberius , a be


ing of double moral that keeps more of a secret and that hides his face behind a porcelain mask with air filters to avoid the plague.



The light of the crystal

But like any good advent

ure, it is thanks to the good work that Wadget Eye achieves in its puzzles, which allows us to achieve a good rhythm between mechanics and history. They do not have any special tricks, beyond applying common sense and elaborating interesting puzz
les without being forced .
Wadget Eye is also characterized by having enough scenarios to give variety to your world, but without having to do so many to lose the player in a maze of possibilities. In some scenes of fact, we are limited mobility to concentrate o
n performing a specific task without having to worry about retesting the object we have just found in dozens of environments already explored.


Shardlight analysis

In this world, a highly contagious lung disease is killing the entire population while citizens can not access their vaccine.

His style is that of subtraction , maintaining an inventory that is not too numerous and eliminating objects when they are no longer useful. Combining everything, the result is an adventure where applying logic and follow the steps and clues of the


story are enough to overcome all the puzzles without being too easy, or too frustrating. And there is the key. Of course, there will alw


ays be some odd difficulty, some other puzzle that breaks the rules and takes us to a board, for example, where sharpen sight and perception. But none of these puzzles feels out of place, and that is something we greatly appreciate.


Shardlight PC

Like good graphic adventure, their puzzles allow to achieve a good rhythm between mechanics and history

Although many adventures have decided to make the leap to 3D or a more animated style, Wadget Eye seems determined to continue showing a low-resolution 2D aesthetic , imitating the style of the most memorable graphic adventures of the n

ineties. It is not only that the engine used, the free Adventure Game Studio, is comfortable with this graphic style, but it is a letter of introductio
n to players who want a reflection almost traced of what was offered at the time the golden age of the graphic adventures.


They do not stay there either, and in each game they add more animations for the characters, more NPCs that help to improve the environments and endow them with greater wealth. Even lighting effects depending on where we go, are some of the novelties we f


ind in this Shardlight, which unlike his other works looks for a darker color palette this time to reflect that difficult life after the destruction of the planet.



Our protagonist Amy has just contracted the disease, with which she will have to accept a job to win a lottery ticket and thus get an opportunity to heal.

There are many surprises in Shardlight, always bearing the influences of the study of previous games; but after a saga as long as it was Blackwell, it is good to turn the page and the new work of Wadget Eye Games has enough elements to dazzle the f


an of the classic graphic adventure (and the right price). It is still missing a translation to our language as it is too common with this editor, where they end up being the fans in charge of locating their adventures as some of the chapters of the Blackwell, Gemini Rue or Primordia saga.


As for Shardlight, we have missed a bit more brilliance when it comes to telling his story , which seemed to focus on the basics and want to change


his secondary characters too soon to not get bored instead of trying to delve into them. Following the same style of simplicity, the fact of not want


ing to accumulate informative dialogue so as not to “mislead” too much of your puzzles, takes its toll when it comes to delving into your own story. A pity, because with a little more of that depth, Shardlight could have become a must for fans of classic adventure.