Mooseman of The , or in Russian “Chelovekolos”, invented and implemented Permians Vladimir Beletsky , hidden behind the studio with a wonderful name Morteshka . “Platformer adventure game” is ready for almost two years – …
In connection with the Tides of Numenera vying commemorate Planescape: Torment . This is good: there is an occasion to evaluate the progress of development, compare detailed study of the worlds, and texts – …
Not too noble and fascinating thing – talking, and even more so to read about the rules of the card game. So I will not delve into the intricacies Faeria – it …
And with the Minecraft game little that binds at least in the Scene mode. In fact, the LEGO Worlds – a mixture of Dragon Quest Builders and … No Man’s Sky . But do not just bet on …
During passage on the first mission, I found a great big ax, therefore, used the experience to branch Thor – the god improves skill with a two-handed weapon. Very quickly, …
The plot puts the action in the distant future, in the third millennium, where people actively use robots and furs. And some of them are actually merged with the machines …
Events unfold in 1970 in northern Canada, where in one of the snow-covered provincial towns (or rather, in the village) comes a private detective Carl Fobert – he was …
Persona 5 as a slap in the face to the striking visual design that remain silent about it – a real crime. Here at an opportune pertinent proverb about that encounter …
Of The Rapper PaRappa – it is, as you might guess, the story of the dog-rapper named Parappa. During the six episodes he is trying to win the attention of girls …
And all because, even after almost twenty years after I met with dozens of very different role-playing games, Planescape: Torment is still unavoidable delays with a head like a mermaid pulls …