The Mooseman

Mooseman of The , or in Russian “Chelovekolos”, invented and implemented Permians Vladimir Beletsky , hidden behind the studio with a wonderful name Morteshka . “Platformer adventure game” is ready for almost two years – …

Torment: Tides of Numenera

In connection with the Tides of Numenera vying commemorate Planescape: Torment . This is good: there is an occasion to evaluate the progress of development, compare detailed study of the worlds, and texts – …

LEGO Worlds

And with the Minecraft game little that binds at least in the Scene mode. In fact, the LEGO Worlds – a mixture of Dragon Quest Builders and … No Man’s Sky . But do not just bet on …

Codex of Victory

The plot puts the action in the distant future, in the third millennium, where people actively use robots and furs. And some of them are actually merged with the machines …


Events unfold in 1970 in northern Canada, where in one of the snow-covered provincial towns (or rather, in the village) comes a private detective Carl Fobert – he was …

Persona 5

Persona 5 as a slap in the face to the striking visual design that remain silent about it – a real crime. Here at an opportune pertinent proverb about that encounter …