The Show Must Go On Mechanics Forced Showdown at first glance seems quite unpretentious. You choose one of the characters and his companion (by some funny little animals to the brutal monster) …
The rich arsenal of weapons and related items have become the main theme of the Enter the Gungeon , at which clearly hints of her name. Character runs and shoots, can only …
storyline Eggsodus says that once the whole planet Earth was plunged into the chaos of war and anarchy reigned in every corner of it. The authorities could not impose order, but over …
Whiff of “old school” Another reason that fresh Zero would be suitable for a holiday, is it a kind of “tribute”, the memory of past flights of fluffy galaxy defenders. More precisely, …
From back to front The main character here – a cunning fox Reynard, which tends to interfere with the plans of the Emperor, suiting the dark rituals to awaken …
The history of the million-dollar name of the game, obviously chosen to preserve the proud inheritance, but no more: no collider is no more, to replace him came a …
Strategy and tactics of game is based on the rules of the harsh “nastolki» Battlefleet Gothic from the world of Warhammer 40K and just tells the true Gothic war, …
Authors Table Top Racing: World Tour boast the presence among the human development, had a hand in WipeOut . This undeservedly forgotten Sony series of impressive racing at high speeds, memorable visual style and a great …
more than twenty different endings, numerous narrative fork, the ability to solve problems by force or the world – no, it’s not about the next game from BioWare and Obsidian . It’s about Star …
Through thorns to the stars Stellaris makes it clear that she did not like the others, from the very beginning. Great music, the best way to convey the spirit of space …