The deserted eyes of the abyss Narcosis’s protagonist is part of the research project called Oceanova, which in 2016 has captured the attention of the whole world. Three years later, a small …
The birth of a legend, 1986 Shigeru Miyamoto has never made a mystery to take inspiration from everyday life for the development of his games. The anecdot e behind Zelda’s …
The 88 crazy The plot is so much a pretext as well as a certainty: it’s 8:08 on August 8, 1988, and the wicked Dr. H8 has decided to …
Gladio is called to a great test of courage, as well as demonstrating his strength to continue protecting Noctis: the confrontation with Ravus, who saw him out of defeat, …
Welcome to the 2.0 Heroes of the Storm has always had its amazing ability to adapt to any new player: Blizzard’s MOBA is easy to play but difficult to master, …
From Jimmy Fallon to our smartphones Let’s take a step back and go back to the last months of last year, where a smiling Reggie Fils-Aime presented at The …
His escape is vanish, though, because the police are deployed in an anti-riot squad and even without a shot he can stop him and stop him: the interrogation is …
On this occasion, more than ever, given the remarkable resemblance to the predecessor, we recommend reading the review of the first chapter, published on these pages during last spring: Yo-Kai …
Yoko Taro was born in Nagoya in 1970 and in his hometown, still very young, he witnesses the death of a friend who, walking on the edge of a …
I woke up with fever. Not the one influential, but the hype: last night Bungie presented his Destiny 2 , the direct sequel to the first chapter that has made millions fall …