Streaming Service Quibi introduced a teaser for the series “50 states of horror“whose executive producer is Sam Raimi, creator of the cult horror franchise “Evil Dead” The horror series …
He promised himself to work only with the best, but Naughty Dog ceased to be like that. Apparently, that’s why he left, although before that the reasons for what …
Remake publicly announced at the end of January remake Resident evil 3 will be released next week. An insider shared information about this today. Dusk golem, many leaks of …
Embargo on the publication of reviews Doom eternal will be charged March 17th, three days before the shooter release. This was reported by Western media, have already received from …
Company Epic games announced the acquisition of the studio Cubic motionspecializing in creating advanced facial animation for games, movies and VR projects. Now the team will work in collaboration …
Users Steam actively discussing a solution Sony about release Horizon: Zero Dawn on the PC and speak out in the game thread about other coveted exclusivity ports from consoles …
Publishing house Square enix in the summer of 2017 released a role-playing card strategy on PC and PlayStation 4 Children of zodiarcs. And now the owners of the Xbox …
Company Disney temporarily stopped the production of some of its projects amid problems associated with the coronavirus pandemic COVID-19. Under the “freeze” were both films, the shooting of which …
In the hands of the author of the portal Birth.Movies.Death. hit the screen version Bioshock, which never reached the screens in due time. He carefully dismantled it and made …
Announced recently portable console Switch lite in coral color will be launched in Russia next month, April 24, 2023company said Nintendo. Japanese gamers will be able to buy the …