Free-to-start The previous smartphone game released by the Kyoto home, Super Mario Run , has made the company less profitable than expected; a $ 10 buy-in to buy the full version and …
Video games are works that can create strong emotions, create empathy for those who fix their eyes on the screen, and make them feel the same feelings the skin …
The three kingdoms still strike In line with its spin-off nature, Godseekers proposes a variation on the abusive theme of the Three Kingdoms, the medieval Chinese historical period, in which Koei has set …
Alien in foreign land Nioh is set in a dark-fantasy version of Japan in the 1600s, during the civil war that preceded the Tokugawa shogunate and the beginning of the …
The plot developments The game develops on the same twists the fans know: we will take the parts of Gatsu, a mercenary from the most suffered future than it …
It points to the undisguised understanding of our understanding, doubt, the difficulty of interpreting what we really have before our eyes, be cause the same developers are aiming …
When technology is playing bad jokes The narrative premises are those of a land close to its end, mainly due to the excessive exploitation of resources by a civilization …
The goblin in yellow Little Nightmares, as we have already mentioned, is a lateral sliding platform, but with its side a 3D that allows full exploration of the various …
The power of fiction to serve the gameplay As the development team itself has pointed out, fiction has always been the first place in Dontnod gaming games. With Vampyr , however, there …
After finishing the Lothric Castle and forgetting the intense struggles with the Boreal Valley Dancer, The Ringed City will open before your eyes, welcoming your rude fighter, hoping that his level …